Lock and Key Re-coding Re-keying Lock Smith Service Shop is a Per Key Service ...


Lock and KEY Re-Key & Re-Coding  SERVICE Feature


-  This Is The Lock and KEY Re-Key & Re-Coding Service Selection For Having Your NEW OEM TOYOTA Locks RE-Keyed toy your factory KEY Code 


- If you are Having More Then One Lock Re-coded / re-keyed , Please remember to Select More Then One lock  Service


- Below Are Many Examples Of the Level of Period Correct Detail , you WILL

Receive & Should Expect ......


- below are examples of where to look for your toyota factory key code on your passenger side  ONLY






Note :  The Lock and Key service re-key  Service Process Takes 3-5 business days  


Days To Fully Complete , This Is Time Labor Intensive  Custom Work that Has To Be Done Over the Course Of Several Days


Please Use the Contact Us Link if u have Any Further Questions


Emergency 24 hour service is available for a additional fee


this includes overnight priority mail express shipping .......


Thanks ..........